Begin the career conversation early with your child

Parents serve as a major influence in their children’s career development and career decision- making. Parents want their children to find happiness and success in life and one factor which influences happiness and success is career choice.

How CareerSpaces will involve you

  1. You will view your child's goals, interests, achievements, and experiences
  2. You will track your child's plans and progress
  3. With our tools, you will be in position to provide feedback to your child and his or her teachers and Advisors
  4. You will be able to explore the different career paths and education options that your child can explore

How to get started

Being involved in the career guidance of your child is a very important step in the career development of the child. The hand the rocks the cradle rules the world

Get Invited

Your child at the school with careerspaces shares with you an invitation link through email with an activation code

More info Step One

Create an Account

The link you receive in the email directs you to the page were you create a parent account

More info Step two

Access to your child

After creating an account, you can now see what your child is thinking in terms of career such that you can begin the discusion early

More info Step three

Desirable Outcomes

Parents involvement in the career guidance process yields long lasting fruits.

Learning about Emerging Career Trends

Our portal keeps the parents informed about the emerging career trends and paths that could be of interest to their children

Learn about new courses at Universities as well as their corresponding career paths plus the necessary financial details so as you can plan a head of time for your child

Start the Conversation Early

The career discusion conversation shouldnt start in candidate classes. It should start as early as possible and with our portal, you will be to understand what your child likes and what it will cost to get them there

Get empowered with information to support your child along their chosen career path

Start the career conversation early with your child